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Complaints Procedure

Our main aim is to make sure you are in safe hands. We aim to provide high quality treatment at all times.

We want you to be happy with the standard of care provided at York Natural Health. If for any reason you feel you have a complaint or a concern, please speak to us as soon as possible and we will try our best to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

  1. York Natural Health Internal Complaints Resolution

Initially, we would request that you contact the practitioner concerned; this gives us the opportunity to resolve the matter in the most direct way. If we cannot speak at the time, we will arrange a mutually convenient opportunity to do so, preferably in person. All concerns are to be raised with the practitioner involved, as each practitioner is responsible for their own patients, rather than YNH.


Our reception at York Natural Health holds contact details for all practitioners who are self employed at the clinic. By phoning 01904 788411 or speaking to one our receptionist we can provide you with contact details for the individual practitioners concerned.

  1. British Osteopathic Association Complaints Resolution Service

For osteopathic treatment, if you still do not feel that your complaint has been resolved by us to your satisfaction, you can talk to an independent source about it by ringing the British Osteopathic Association on:

Freephone 0800 110 5857
or email: boa@osteopathy.org

All concerns or complaints are the responsibility of the individual practitioner concerned.

For all other therapies please contact the individual practitioner for details on their professional association.

  1. General Osteopathic Council

For osteopathic treatment, if the situation has still not been resolved to your satisfaction and you wish to instigate a formal complaint with the regulatory body, the General Osteopathic Council can be contacted on
0207 3576655

Please note that the General Osteopathic Council cannot award compensation.


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York Natural Health Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No: 08956441 Registered Office Address: 36 York Road, Acomb, York, YO24 4LZ