Thomas Waring

Intuitive Massage and Soul Coaching
For Mind and Body


Thomas Waring

“I aim to connect the links between body, mind, emotions to enable healing and discover the root cause.”

Thomas Waring uses both sports massage, hypnotherapy and his intuitive skills to guide you to discover what is holding you back and release your tension.

As a previous CEO of local environment charity, he understands the pressures of running an organisation. This led him to explore more about how we utilise relaxation, mindfulness and meditation as a way of helping maintain health and a positive work – life balance.

Many of the ways we respond to things can be set in our early years. This can cause us to react to situations without awareness. Once we become aware of our patterns, it can be enormously challenging to try and control how we feel just from our limited conscious awareness and can take a great deal of effort. If your subconscious is like an elephant and the conscious mind the rider on top, imagine you as the rider trying to turn the elephant in the direction you want to go.

Hypnotherapy helps you to clear the old programming and limited beliefs you may have bought into through past experiences and enables you to transform them into more empowering beliefs so you can be resourced enough to respond rather than react to those situations. This means the rider and the elephant are going in the same direction.

Stress management can help you to become more relaxed in situations that would normally cause you to become stressed. Your sessions can be tailored specifically to your needs.

Thomas trained in Akashic record reading to develop his natural intuitive abilities, using his keen insight to be able to uncover what old issues from this life or previous lives are holding you back. Akasha literally means ether, so your Akashic records are an etheric or soul library, sometimes called the book of life. By accessing your Akashic records, with your permission, you can discover where the issues that challenge you are coming from so that you can resolve them and move forwards more freely.

In order to ingetrate body and mind, Thomas also offers sports massage where he helps release the physical components of tensions that have built up in your body, creating greater freedom and wellbeing.

In his free time Thomas enjoys walks in nature, cycling, meditation and music.

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York Natural Health Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No: 08956441 Registered Office Address: 36 York Road, Acomb, York, YO24 4LZ