Alison Waring is the only buteyko breathing practitioner in the whole of Yorkshire.
All You need to know
Buteyko or BBT are commonly used abbreviations for the Buteyko Breathing Technique, developed by Russian Professor Konstantin Buteyko. After completeing his medical training in the 1950’s he carried out a study observing rates of breathing in patients in relation to their illness and its severity. What he observed was that as patients became more severely ill, their breathing rate also increased. He believed that if there was a connection between the rate of breathing and illness, that by reducing the breathing rate it would have a beneficial effect on health.
Nine out of ten people breathe ineffectively, either shallow breathing, overly deep breathing or too rapidly breathing especially during periods of stress. Many people with breathing problems, will respond to every day situations, such as talking on the phone or walking uphill by automatically breathing more than necessary. This over-breathing is called hyperventilation.
When we breathe too much we blow out too much carbon dioxide. It is the carbon dioxide in our tissues which signals to the red blood cells to let go of the oxygen. If the correct balance has been lost then the oxygen will not be released. The body will take emergency steps to slow the over breathing down, such as constricting the airways, and producing more mucus to raise the carbon dioxide levels so that oxygen is released into the tissues. The body will also constrict blood vessels, or even stop breathing, which can give rise to high blood pressure and headaches and a variety of inflammatory conditions. As low grade hyperventilation can have a direct effect on blood chemistry, there is also an effect on blood sugar levels, histamine levels and electrolytes.
As breathing is just a behaviour pattern which can easily be modified with some simple exercises, the BBT provides you with the skills to be able to breathe correctly and can prevent the development of a vicious cycle of over-breathing which can result in breathlessness, wheezing or coughing.
People who learn Buteyko may have different reasons for using this approach to improve health. It can help with:
The Buteyko exercises are not physically demanding. The majority of the programme is carried out sitting comfortably in a chair. Your teacher will identify areas in which you can increase your fitness, such as regular walking and will talk about how to incorporate correct breathing into any activity.
You will learn breathing exercises and simple techniques to help you to improve the way you breathe. The Buteyko programme needs to be carried out for four to six weeks. The method looks at normalising breathing rate and volume and are practised until the improved way of breathing becomes automatic. You will practice with the teacher and need to continue at home on your own. Most people notice a significant improvement in their condition within a couple of weeks.
Most people with breathing problems notice an association between stress and emotions playing a part in worsening their symptoms. Learning to relax forms an important part of learning Buteyko. Sometimes dietary changes are also required to help restore normal respiratory function.
Buteyko is a non-pharmacological therapy which can be used alongside conventional management of breathing problems. The British Guideline on the Management of Asthma (1) endorses Buteyko for the control of asthma symptoms which means that GPs and asthma nurses are able to recommend it.
There are many clinical trials (2 & 3) supporting the Buteyko Breathing Technique for the treatment of asthma. Currently no research has been undertaken for conditions other than asthma. Breathing is such a vital part of our health, everyone would benefit from improved breathing mechanics.
1 British Thoracic Society SIGN British Guidelines on the Management of Asthma. Quick Reference Guide 2009:
2 Mchugh P et al, New Zealand Medical Journal 2003 116:1187
3 Cowie RL et al Respir. Med. May 2008 102(5):726-732
We help you so you can learn how to slow down and normalise your breathing when needed.
Children from 3 years of age can quickly pick up the Buteyko Method, which is designed to make the learning easy and enjoyable
We empower you by teaching you a proven programme of exercises and stratgegies to normalise the breathing and relieve the symptoms arising from the 150 ‘diseases of deep breathing’ identified’ by Dr. Buteyko
The Buteyko Breathing Technique is an approach that has been shown to improve asthma symptoms, quality of life and reduce bronchodialator use (blue reliever inhaler) in adults with asthma. It is not a cure but a complementary technique. This means that people using Buteyko should still continue to use their inhalers, but research has shown that
Coming from a background of alternative medicine, from a young age Alison formed a keen interest in holistic treatment by natural methods.
Alison Waring trained for five years full time, initially at the John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy and then at the European School of Osteopathy where she graduated. Studying at two different colleges has allowed her to have a wider perspective on Osteopathic treatment.
Her main treatment approach is in the classical style which involves treating the whole body which she combines with other techniques such as cranial osteopathy.
Buteyko practitioner Alison Waring talks to Joanna Evans of Natural Health Magazine “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” about how she helps people beat asthma with better breathing.
Click the link below to find Alison Waring’s featured article.
The Breathe with Ease book and online program look holistically at five aspects of your health.
Each purchase of the book gives you access to a BONUS online video training.
York Natural Health Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No: 08956441 Registered Office Address: 36 York Road, Acomb, York, YO24 4LZ
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